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学校类型:类型:高职高专 隶属于:广东省教育厅




  Fundd in 2002, apprvd by th Ppl's Gvrnmnt f Guangdng Prvin and put n fil t th Stat Eduatinal Ministry, Qingyuan Plythni is a mprhnsiv and publi llg f highr larning With a pland ara f 21 squar km Th n ampus vrs an ara f 1000 mu ith a building ara f 170,000 m2  at 1st f its 3 prjts it lis in Qingyuan Muniipality --  hih is knn as "Bakyard Gardn f Parl Rivr Dlta "and n f "China's Tp Turist Citis " Th ity, ith fantasti transprt, lads an asy ass t Guangzhu Intrnatinal Airprt, and nly 60 km aay frm dntn f Guangzhu Muniipality Furthr mr, Biking-Zhuhai Exprssay and Biking-Guangzhu Railays run thrugh nrth and suth f th ity     Sin its funding th llg, dfins th npt f sintifi dvlpmnt and th pliy statmnt  f putting mplymnts abv vrything ls, xisting by quality, dvlping by innvatins and making brand ith haratrs It prsistntly taks th rad f unifid and sustainabl dvlpmnt and xpansin in its nstrutin and managmnt f tahing and intrnal administratin     

  In th yar 2003, th llg as nfirmd as a training bas fr nursing prsnnl by th Stat Eduatinal Ministry and th Stat Halth Ministry    

  In th yar 2005, th llg as nfirmd as a prsnnl-training bas f Guangdng Prvin fr "Pvrty-allviating Prjt"     In May f 2005, Mmbr f Plitial Burau f Cntral Cmmitt f CPC and Srtary f Party Cmmitt f Guangdng Prvin, zhang djiang, insptd and spk highly f th llg, h rt: "t ultivat prsnnl by bsting duatin, making dvlpmnts sintifially, ltting Qingyuan b mr thriving and mr prsprus lik dragn Panlng flying, and build th llg int th first lass llgs f th natin"     

  Th llg hlds 500 ddiatd tahing staff, amng hm 300 ar prfssinals inluding ky mmbrs f prfssrs and frign tahrs Th llg mpriss 5 shls f nursing, hm nmis, infrmatin & sin, mdrn thnlgy f duatin, furthr duatin, and 3 dpartmnts f pratial bithnlgy, nmis & administratin and frign languags Thr ar mr than 7000 studnts frm 14 prvins f th natin finding thir vry bst han f suss in th llg  hih ffrs a id rang f prfssinal urss f 41 majrs In rdr t pass thrugh th natinal assssmnt f prsnnl ultivatin prjt in 2008 th llg maks ffrts t imprv tahing and larning administratin s that nvirnmnt f prsnnl ultivatin an b frmd


  Curriulum Spialtis


  By taking tahing rfrm as a lading rl, th mphasis  suitabl t th rquirmnts f sial and nmi dvlpmnt as ll as srvi t th lalitis is n th markts, mplymnt and srvi And a n duatinal systm fr prsnnl ultivatin has bn advatd  In dvlping n majrs and adjustmnts th llg aims t ffr majrs in 3 filds, suh as fundamntal industry, haratrizd agriultur and turist industry in Qingyuan by “gaining a firm fthlds in Qingyuan and srvi t lal pla” Manhil th llg sts majrs and urss in ardan ith th rquirmnts f prfssinal and skillful talnts in ur untry and th rld s that studnts hav ass t mr and bttr hans and pprtunitis bth at hm and abrad 

  Pathays T Enrllmnt and Emplymn



  Abiding by th pliy statmnt f “stting a firm fthld in Qingyuan, ffring srvi t lal pla, bing distinguishd and bing bttr and strngr”, th llg lays strss n bth nrllmnt and mplymnt In 2004 Emplymnt & Srvi Cntr as st up Thr is n dubt that lar and dtaild infrmatin, guidan f skillful dirtrs as ll as rsur in jb hunting an b givn t th graduats fr thir sussful arrs  Th llg attahs imprtan t th jb finding and vrsas study as ll, natin-id ntrk in prsnnl xhang funtins saf and sund Th llg is firmly mmittd t ffring a high quality f mplymnt srvi and rmmndatins t th studnts Manhil prativ prjts and nntins ith ntrpriss  as ll as mr than 100 fixd mplymnt bass hav bn stablishd


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