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学校层次: 中学
Yu Bei Middle School: Presenting Classes to the Country, Promoting mutual Growth
发布时间:2012-05-14        浏览次数:2133
On th 30th f Marh hn it as drizzling, Zhu Jianqiang, th vi prinipal f Yu Bi Middl Shl, ld a grup f 6 prsn, inluding Chins, Math, Chmistry tahrs, t Lu Qi Junir high shl arry ut th ativity f &lsqu;Lading Gs&rsqu;: prsnting mdling lass t th shls f rural ara

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Th ativity as mpsd f 4 parts: that is, mdling lasss givn by th tahrs frm Yu Bi Middl Shl; nrmal lasss givn by th tahrs frm Lu Qi Middl Shl; making mmnts n th lasss; and xhanging tahing and rsarh xprin ith ah thr Zng Yngli, Wan Xumi, Tian Ynghng, th thr tahrs frm Yu Bi Middl Shl, ffrd th lasss ith dliat dsign, ingnius and flxibl tahing mthd, aurat and rfind xplanatin, intrativ tahing md, lgant tahing stan, and xllnt lass-rganizatin ability, hih n th praiss f th sistr shl Manhil, Hu Wi, Huang Xiugang, A Xiangzhn, th thr tahrs frm Lu Qi Middl Shl, als ffrd ndrful lasss ith limax rpatdly apparing Fr th part f mmnting n lasss, th tahrs xhangd thir idas abut tahing philsphy, th ffiay f grup prparing lssns, tahing mthd, th ultivatin f studnts&rsqu; ability and th ay t arry ut th n urriulums mr fftivly,

Th ativity fully dmnstrats th lading, mdling, radiativ and driving rls f Yu Bi Middl Shl, hih nstruts a bridg t nnt th duatin btn urban ara and rural ara and dras nar th rlatins btn urban-ara tahrs and rural-ara tahrs Mrvr, it snds t th tahrs f Lu Qi Junir Middl Shl th n knldg, th n mthd and n philsphy f duatin, firmly prmting th dvlpmnt f tahrs, prplling th n urriulum rfrm and nhaning th baland duatin dvlpmnt rginally

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