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The Education Delegations from Calgary visiting Yu Bei Middle school on an exchange trip
发布时间:2012-05-14        浏览次数:2061
On th 23rd f Marh, th duatin dlgatins nsisting f 25 prsns frm Calgary that paid an invstigatin visit t Yu Bi Middl Shl r armly rivd by th studnts and tahrs Xi Gang, th srtary f Yu Bi Distrit&rsqu;s Wrking Cmmitt and dirtr f th Yu Bi Distrit&rsqu;s Eduatin Cmmitt, Fu Qiping, th vi dirtr f th distrit&rsqu;s Eduatin Cmmitt ampanid th dlgatin

At 9:30 in th mrning, th lming rmny as hld in th Hng Yi Building Xi Gang, th srtary f Yu Bi Distrit&rsqu;s Wrking Cmmitt gav a lming addrss Xi said: Canada has a uniqu prsptiv in th intrnatinal duatin xhang, hih ffr a bradr rsur t th duatin staff and studnts, by stting up th glbal duatinal srvi dpartmnt and prgram, appaling fr th pratin f th glbal training and basi duatin srvi t prmt th intrnatinalizatin f duatin Thn, Slby Darln, th dirtr f rdinatin srvi dpartmnt f th Calgary Eduatinal Cmmitt and Bratk, Clln, th assistant f th Glbal Larning Dpartmnt mad sphs rsptivly and xprssd thir ishs t strngthn xhang, dpn undrstanding, prmt frindship, nhan pratin and advan th pratin btn th t itis t a n stag

Aftr th lming rmny, th dlgatin stppd in th pn lass ampanid by th studnts and tahrs and flt th grat glamur f th Chins Classrm in zr-distan Latr thy r shn arund th labratris, mputr labs, musi lassrms and art lassrms Thy vn jind th studnts in prfrming th xprimnts In th flling, th dlgatin r takn grup phts f ith th studnts and tahrs frm Yu Bi Middl shl, rrding th bautiful mmnts Finally, th studnts prsntd th Canadian frinds ith th traditinal-flavrd pns mad f hit-and-blu prlain t ish an vrlasting frindship

  • 下一信息: Yu Bei Middle School: Thousands of Students Learning from Lei Feng a nd Showing their loving heart
  • 上一信息: The Launching Ceremony of the sixth terms of the Chinese Youth Creativity Competition (Golden RedBud
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