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学校层次: 中学
The 24th term of Art Festival of Yu Bei Middle School concluded successfully
发布时间:2012-05-15        浏览次数:2123
On 27th f April, Yu Bi Middl Shl hld n th 24th trm f Art Fstival thmd &ldqu;Art Bautifying lif , Yuth making lif ndrful&rdqu; as sussfully nludd in th bautifully lightd firrks display and flds f applauss

This Art Fstival f this trm is mad up f fiv parts, that is, Instrumnt prfrman, Daning, th shs f th Yuth, th sngs f th Yuth, thnlgial art xhibits, and ampus fl markt, hih attratd abut 1000 studnts frm th nn-graduatin grads t tak part in In part f th &lsqu;th Sund f Ltus&rsqu;: th instrumnt mptitin and f&lsqu;th Rhym f Ltus&rsqu;: th daning prfrman, an fl th studnts&rsqu; itty and lvly prfrman hil in th thnlgial xhibitin, ar aquaintd ith th knldg suh as th l arbn npt, th glbal nvirnmntal prttin Als, in part f th ampus fl strt, tk part in th simulatd markt, sharing ith th studnts th happinss brught by th trad Th Art Fstival f this trm an b haild as xtrmly ndrful ith highlights nstantly apparing, hih nt nly ffrs th studnts a han t sh thir prsnal styl but als xhibits th ahivmnt f quality duatin f th shl, prsnting all th tahrs and studnts ith a ultural fast f high quality

Animatin Prfrman jpg
It is rprtd that, th Art Fstival hld by Yu Bi Middl Shl basts th ky npt f &lsqu;Ltus spirit&rsqu; has bn an annual vnt Thrugh th Art Fstival, studnts&rsqu; prsnality is nuragd and thir ptntial is inspird, hih rats a highly ivilizd, lgant and inspiring ampus atmsphr and nstantly inulats th studnts ith th ivilizd haratr, that is, n spirit: Ltus Spirit and T Habits: publi living habit and prsnal sanitary habit, thus truly rahing th gal f &lsqu;making vry studnt btain sustainabl dvlpmnt&rsqu;

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