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The Launching Ceremony of the sixth terms of the Chinese Youth Creativity Competition (Golden RedBud
发布时间:2012-05-14        浏览次数:2039
Frm 26th t 27th f Marh, th Launhing Crmny f th sixth trms f th Chins Yuth Crativity Cmptitin (Gldn RdBud) and th Sminar f &lsqu;Natinal Patnt Invntin Curs&rsqu; r hld in Chng Qing Yu Bi Middl Shl Ruan Wnhai, th Chairman f Hng Kng Intrnatinal Exhang Fundatin, Png Yalin, th hif ditr f Chins Invntin and Patnt Magazin, and Lu Fanhua, th Gnral Srtary f Chins Yuth Crativity Cmmitt attndd th rmny and mad imprtant sphs Arund 160 shls frm insid and utsid Chngqing tk part in th ativity

Th Launhing Crmny

At 9:00pm, n th mrning f 26th f Marh, th launhing rmny as pnd at th ltur hall Zhang Zhnming, th prinipal f Yu Bi Middl Shl mad th lming addrss Png Yalin, th hif ditr f Chins Invntin and Patnt Magazin, mad an imprtant sph Png said, n f th imprtant tasks f Natinal Intlltual Prprty Caus Dvlpmnt f&lsqu;Th 12th Fiv Yar Plan&rsqu;is t ultivat th intlltual ultur, amng hih th mst imprtant n is t idly prpagat th duatin f intlltual prprty, and ativly prmt and inrprat th duatin f intlltual prprty int th natinal duatin systm A gnratin f strng yuth ill rndr China strng If th duatin f intlltual prprty is prpagatd in ur untry, in th nar futur, th mprhnsiv natinal strngth f China ill rank tp in th rld Finally, Lu Fanhua, th Gnral Srtary f Chins Yuth Crativity Cmmitt intrdud t th attndants th ntnts and arrangmnt f th mpltin, inluding th urs sminar, rmny fr th first issuing f n bks, simulatd final ntst and th innvativ mdl lass by th Chins Innvativ Wll Knn Tahr
On th aftrnn f Marh, 26th and n th mrning f Marh, 27th, th xprts f thnlgial invntin frm thr shls prsntd a livly thnlgial invntin lass t th studnts f Junir On and Junir T Thy ativly vid thir idas and gt grat bnfit frm th lass Bsids, a artn ar as mad n th spt basd n th ntnts f th lass, hih ntr fr th final ntst hld n th aftrnn f 27th Th artn ars r mad in diffrnt shaps ith diffrnt haratr, sm f hih r nt nly attrativ in shaps but als had an amazing spd, inning rund aftr rund f applauss frm th audin Th mpltin f th artn ars pushd th ativity t a limax

Yu Bi Middl Shl has alays bn attahing imprtan t th ultivatin f studnts&rsqu; rativity and als ativly supprting th studnts t apply fr patnts and ntr fr th Yuth Crativity Cmptitin Sin th mptitin as hld, Yu Bi Middl Shl has bn aard th titl f Grup Gld Priz frm th Snd Trm t th Fifth Trm It is blivd that in th final ntst t b hld at Yu Bi middl shls in Jun, Yu Bi Middl Shl ill dfinitly rat n glris

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